Intermezzo - Senior Highschool , My Deskmate


Habis iseng iseng bongkar-bongkar file di laptop.
Dan nemu ini. Tugas Bahasa Inggris kelas X SMA. Mendiskripsikan teman.
Gatau kenapa semriwing saja baca nya. :') 

MY DESKMATE           
Alfrizta Purwa D’harsa is my deskmate and soulmate full name. her nick name is frizta. She is Mr. Soedarsono and Mrs. Hartutik’s daughter. She is the older sister of Yusfi and Igna. She lives in Banyuurip, Sonoageng Village, Prambon District, Nganjuk regency.
When in High school, we are in same school, that are High school 1 Tanjunganom but she is not my classmate. Now, we study in same school,  same class and same desk. Frizta is browned-skin. She is tall. Her height is about 160 more cm and her weight is 48 kilograms. She is slender, not too big and not too slim.
She has wavy, black and short hair. She has circle face, pointed nose and beautiful eyelashes. She uses vile.       
Many friends said that frizta is silent girl. But I don’t think soo, because according to me she is very atractive, humorious and like to laugh. I think she just felt shy and unconfident. She is creative, smart, sportive and dilligent girl. But, she is very sencitive. If you make a mistake with her she will be rather angry. So, we can get conclusin thet frizta include to introvent person. But, I think that she is very kind and patient girl.        
Frizta’s hobbies is listening music and studying biology. She  like to listen slow music. For example Rosa’s and Vic Chow song. In music lesson practicing, she ever sang the song with title “Terlalu Cinta” by Rossa. Her voice is very lovely.  She is smart in biology lesson. Her favorite colour is green and red. She likes to eat her mother’s food and doesn’t like to eat Durian F ruit.        For extraculikuler in my school, she joins DPS, KIR TMA, PMR and Sc. Biology. She is music group. She ever joined band competition in our school as vocalist and sang “KARENA CINTA” song and “PADAMU NEGERI” song.  

Sorry, for the error grammar. :D 

Kangen Banget. Dengan sahabat saya yang satu ini. Terakhir ketemu dia tidak berubah. Tetap menjadi Frizta yang baik dan kalem.  Saya sangat bersyukur kepada Allah , telah mempersahabatkan saya dengan dia. Sabar , pinter dan kalem. Benar-benar sangat mengisnpirasi :')
Friztaaa, Yuni kangen Frizta.

Terimakasih sudah memberikan jutaan kesabaran dan pengertian selama mempersahabati aku.
Maaf untuk semua ego ku yaaa.
Sekali lagi terimakasih sudah menjadi sahabatku :3. 

salam seribu syukur pernah mengenalmu :)

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